
Take the ged test online
Take the ged test online


The most effective way to study is to concentrate on the areas that you need help on. Many students waste a lot of valuable study time by reviewing material that they are already good at (often because it is easier or makes them feel better). Concentrating Your Study - As you take more and more sample GED practice tests online you begin to get a feel for the topics that you know well and the areas that need improvement.The advantages of using sample GED practice tests include:


There are many benefits of preparing for your GED exam with free practice tests, and studying for your GED test using sample questions is one of the most effective study practices you can use.

  • Take GED practice tests with self-imposed time limits.
  • Tackle one section of the exam at a time.
  • Address all the questions you get wrong in your study sessions.
  • Take as many practice GED practice tests as possible:
  • Reasoning through Language Arts: 1 min 30 sec.
  • Answer each question in less than this amount of time: To finish the exam and do your best, you need to keep pace.
  • Focus on the material you’re not good at.
  • take the ged test online

  • Understand what’s on each of the four GED tests (math, reading, science, and English and language usage).
  • The best way to prepare is to study smart: Here are some key tips we think are of value to anyone looking to take the GED. The best way to prepare for your GED test is to study smart and get plenty of practice in with our GED practice tests. (click on image to enlarge) How Can I Study for the GED At Home? - GED Test Study Tips


    Review our infographic for information on how to pass your GED.

  • Mathematical reasoning in Social Studies (33%).
  • Reading and writing in Social Studies (33%).
  • Student's reasoning skills are measured in three areas:
  • Analyzing historical events and arguments.
  • Students are allowed to use a TI-30XS calculator. There are approximately 44 questions (multiple choice, drop down, and other formats). The GED social studies exam is 70 minutes long. The GED math test assess a student's abilities in: You will also be provided with a math formula reference sheet, so you don't need to memorize math formulas! You are allowed to use a TI-30XS calculator for the second section, but not the first. The exam is broken down into two sections. There are approximately 49 questions (multiple choice, drop down, and other formats).
  • Mathematical reasoning in science (30%).
  • The skills measured in the science exam include: The specific scientific areas covered include:
  • Designing and interpreting science experiments.
  • You also may use a TI-30XS calculator on this section. Your test may include two short answer questions that could take 10 minutes each to complete. There are approximately 40 questions (multiple choice, drop down and other question types).
  • understand (at a college ready level) basic English skills.
  • take the ged test online

    utilize evidence to support an argument.understand, interpret, and answer questions based on reading passages.read, write, edit, and understand written English.The RLA exam assesses a student's ability to: The texts vary in complexity with a focus on career and college-ready reading.

    take the ged test online

    About 75% of the reading passages are informational, while the other 25% are literary. Students are presented with short (400- to 900-word-long) reading passages and are asked a variety of reading comprehension questions. Students are also given a 10-minute break during the test. The other two sections (35 and 60 minutes) present questions that include multiple choice, drop down, short answer and other formats. One of the sections is a 45-minute extended response (essay). The exam is broken down into three sections. The reasoning through language arts (RLA) GED test is 150 minutes long. You can also view the official website for more information. The details of the subject exams are shown below. The test is designed as a high school equivalency test – if you pass the GED, then you are assumed to have an education equivalent to a typical high school graduate. The new GED test consists of four separate content areas: Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies. In 2014, the format of the GED was changed.

    Take the ged test online